The ‘’Need’’ To Know About Content Marketing

When we talk about content in marketing we cover several  aspects of content . Let’s break down each one step by step ..

For understanding the depth of content Marketing , we need to through the definition of Content .

A piece of sentence that targets your exact audience who you want to reach out as simple as that , the content is mainly the thing that converts your audience into your desired lead ..  and what’s the matter is how you could do that ? Well , to deeply understand you have to know ‘’need ‘’ and the first thing we recognize is the content angles .

In content angles , when we target audiences , its raise a lot of questions in mind :

  •  What are some of the insights about your field that many people find surprising?
  •  What are the “simple truths” about your field that make you say, “Actually, it’s a lot more complicated than that”?
  • How will their life change if they accept this?
  • How can your brand help your audience implement this idea? (this creates a link between your content and your offers or solutions)
  • What other brands or people talk about this? (this can direct you to collaboration opportunities)
  • Which task can they complete once they are finished reading your content ?

These questions give you a clear mind statement about your audience and help you research your target audience more efficiently .

And after researching the specific audience , then it’s time to put your content into a bowl of action , how ? So for that ,  we must apply the Ann Handley secret sauce formula to create more effective and inspirational content in marketing …


Secret Sauce Formula (SSF): 

 According to Ann Handley’s (One of the top 10 USA Marketers) SSF is :  


 “Here’s a memorable formula that captures the sweet spot of your quality content . . . Utility x Inspiration x Empathy = Quality Content.” 


If we go deep down in these three words Utility , Inspiration , Empathy , we find out the immerse in these words that Ann describes in her formula . 

If we talk about Utility, that is ‘’Bring Value from trusted Resource’’and when we turn in Inspiration we say how you capture the heart and mind of the audience . The most important and last ingredient in our recipe is ‘’Empathy’’ is more like how you see and understand your audience more than others ,  which include how you helped them get their most desired .

In the next step we must go through the :


Six Principles From Epic Content Marketing

Brian Piper discusses different epic marketing tips in his book , according to him there are essential six principles that every content marketer should follow . Before open up his principles about content strategy he share his views : 

‘’ We marketers need to positively affect [customers], engage them, and do whatever we must to help stay involved in their lives and their conversations.”

Brian Piper

So here are your six steps to unlock the content strategy , use them in your content planner as a remarkable addition. 

  • Fill a need. 

It simply means that your content fills the desire of what they wanted . 

  • Be consistent 

Like you see the word ‘’ consistent ‘’ , you should do it without any break and that’s where you confirm your audience fully trusts you , either its  newsletter , or any UGC post . 

  • Be human 

Well , that explains all , that every human has its unique style to create content .

  1. Have a Point of view 

It’s always a risk -win game , so you should play on each side of it .

  • Avoid ‘’sales speak’’

If you use jargon and day-to-day terms , the customer won’t notice your content ,try to be like a human talking to other humans and fulfill their needs . 

  • Be best of breed

It’s like a race in which you strive for the best of what is available in your content niche .

“People always want to be educated, to be entertained, to be engaged emotionally in the content they consume; those things are not changing. And if we focus on fulfilling those needs, we will do well.” –

Now you have the clear view that we must understand what’s best for our audience and how we fulfill their needs through our content .

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